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The Redwood City Girl Scouts Service Unit Team is made up of new and long-time Girl Scout volunteers who share a passion for bringing fun and awesome experiences to every girl everywhere and for supporting our troop leaders and volunteers so that they can do the same. 


Some of us are artsy-crafty and love to put on events. Some of us love paperwork and rules and can help your troop plan an awesome (and mostly hassle-free) adventure. Some of us love to help get new troops and leaders off to a fabulous start. And some of us are great with numbers, money, sales, and that pesky but important annual Troop Finance Report (TFR).


The bottom line is that each person on the team contributes the unique skills and passions that they bring to the table, to help make RWCGS a great place to volunteer! If there is anything we can help you with, please email the appropriate volunteer via their address (below). If you don't know whom to contact, use the general service unit team e-mail address.


If you are interested in volunteering on the Service Unit team, please speak to one of us at a Troop Rep meeting or send us an e-mail. If you aren't sure if volunteering on the Service Unit team is a good fit for you, we invite you to attend one of our Service Unit Team meetings or to serve as a "Member at Large" to see where your skills and interests can best contribute to the Redwood City Girl Scouts community.




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